

So far removed from the great dream. The “American Dream,” and all it entails. Alas, it was not to be. Instead of this there is that, and that is a sad state of affairs. New York City is dark and gritty. It can be a bustling hub of love, life, and lights.

It can be, but it isn’t. Broadway doesn’t want your regards when you’re holed up in The Bowery. The suits and ties of Wall Street don’t rub elbows with dirty t-shirts and ripped up jeans. In the bright parts of the city, the elegant hotels serve martini’s in polished glass. Only the best will do. The finest in communist vodka and olives straight from the Mediterranean. The people at the bar light cigars with big bills. Then they go home to beautiful people in Park Avenue penthouses.

It’s a plastic world filled with fake people. Lies, deceit, and decadence of a whole new breed. They bullshit each other and most of all themselves. All day. Every day. Even at night. Their booze costs more. The pills they swallow by the handful come with a prescription attached.

They can bullshit themselves all they want. They can bullshit each other, but they can’t bullshit me. No matter how hard they try to put on airs. We’re all the same, man. Two sides of the same coin. It’s all relative to your point of view. I don’t want their lies. Or yours either. I have my own. I chose not to share them. They’re mine, and worth as much as anybody’s. Fuck all nothin’. That’s why I don’t bother with them.

Why should I?

Why should you?

I don’t know.

I don’t care.

Copyright © Drew Martin 2016

4 Comments Add yours

  1. spottedgeckgo says:

    That’s a very powerful piece of prose. I hope everything is well with you. There’s always going to be divisions in society, from sports teams, to clashes of status quo. Examples are everywhere, from all the rotten apples to the big apple.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Drew Martin says:

      I actually wrote this a year and posted it before, but I cleaned it up and decided to give it another look.

      Liked by 1 person

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