A Blogger Returned: Dealing with My 2022 Pieces

Hello, dear friends and readers. I can’t express how nice it is to be back after a year away, which I’ve covered in a piece or few. I’ve been going through my blog, deleting some things, asking some questions, and trying to get back in the swing. Every blog post from that foul year of 2022 is no more. I don’t know how much actually got read. Some of the early stuff did, but not much after, but I kept writing, taking photographs, doing whatever it is I do on this blog. After seven years, it’s a love of writing, a love of creating, a love of thinking, but also out of habit. What to do with all those pieces I had to delete, and the pieces I never got to post? Well, I’ve been thinking about that for a while. I’m just going to post them. I hope you don’t mind. Anything from 2022, or anything I created during the year I’ll post, and try to post soon and get through them all so I have plenty of room for all the new ideas, all the new pieces. At the end of any piece I wrote in 2022, or say, a seasonal creative piece for 2022, I’ll simply add (From 2022) at the end of the title. That way there won’t be any confusion as some of these pieces are creative pieces strictly for the season. It’s the best way I can think of to get all these posts in, and I hope you’ll read them and enjoy them even if they are out of order or out of season. I’ve got so much to post from 2022, so much new stuff already in 2023, and so many new ideas to write. I hope you’ll join me along the way, and as always, click the like button. Even leave a comment if you feel inclined. I enjoy seeing both. Thanks in advance, and I look forward to posting once again in 2023, and for the years that follow. I don’t do this for money. I do it for the love of my creative outlet.

Copyright © Drew Martin 2023

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