Thoughts on Reading a Book Series

Dear friends and fellow readers, do you read book series? To me, the seem a lot like a television series. Better to wait until the end before you start. Then you have reviews, or at least you know you have everything you’ll ever get. Not like George R. R. Martin’s (no relation) A Song of Ice and Fire series. You know? The one that inspired HBO’s Game of Thrones. Waiting decades between books and knowing it’ll never get finished because the author’s a sorry fat fuck hack and can’t bother to finish. Why should he? He’s like 90 or something and rich from Game of Thrones royalties. My girlfriend, Rachel, does the book series thing. I’ve found a few I’ve got my eye on and not sure if I should get involved with such a thing. My latest television series venture isn’t panning out so well, and books are a far greater time investment. Even if they’re audio books, as I tend to favor these days. What do you think? Have anything to recommend or any thoughts on the subject?

Copyright © Drew Martin 2024

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