The Original Folk and Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm (1812) Review

Dear friends and fellow readers, unfortunately, I have another “DNF” book to report. Also, this one comes off my “10 Books to Read of 2024” list. Honestly, I wasn’t so sure what I was getting into, but I went ahead anyway. I tried. This is one of those Audible selections, but luckily, I got it last year on a “buy one get one” sale. I thought by putting it on my list, it’d make me get around to it. It’s an anthology. The Original Folk and Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm by two German brothers, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. First compiled and published in this original form in 1812. Multiple narrators. Multiple versions of the same tale. The book has an hour plus introduction, nearly two, by some academic. It clocks in at 19 hours and 14 minutes. The tales are short, and Christ, there’s so many. The book gets split into two sections and each has around 80 in each. I just can’t do it. I started at the beginning of the year, and I’ve never gone back. Never wanted to go back. I got about five hours in and just got bored by the whole thing.

Copyright © Drew Martin 2024

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