Bear, My Boy


I’ll try to keep this short before I get too emotional. When my ex-wife and I split in September 2016, we had six cats. Three were more mine, and three were more hers, but they were all ours. I could only keep one when I left, and I had to take the one I’d had the longest, my first cat Scampers. My ex-wife always said I needed a little male cat. One day I found him. It’s a long short story I won’t go into the details, but I saw him, found him, and saved his life as he was the lone kitten left at a “last chance” adoption drive.

He was in the back of a van when I turned around and saw his eyes glowing in the darkness. He grew into a great cat. Smart, athletic, and full of love for me as I for him. I loved playing with him, and I often woke up holding him like a small child with a stuffed animal and he’d be sound asleep, or he’d wake me up to replenish the food bowl. I named him Bear because as a kitten he looked like a pre-historic Short-Faced Bear I saw on a NatGeo show. A Savanah mix, he’s got a wild look. My boy hasn’t forgiven me for not taking him as the few times I’ve had to go back he’s either hide or didn’t want me holding him. This experience makes me want kids even less, and I don’t want them at all and don’t have any. Bear’s my boy, and I miss him.

Copyright © Drew Martin 2018

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Oh this is so sad 😦 I’m so sorry you couldn’t take them all with you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Drew Martin says:

      Thank you. He’s a good boy, and the only one I still really miss.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh so sad 😦 But really well written.

    Liked by 1 person

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