Fuck You WordPress, Yet Again (Block Editor)

Fuck you, WordPress. Yet again, you’ve made a major change for the worse instead of better for the user. I know I’m not the lone wolf in this opinion. First, the Community Pool closed a few years ago. Now, you’ve changed the editor, how we bloggers create our posts. There wasn’t a damn thing wrong with the one we had for years. Now, you’ve forced this “block” editor thing on us. I almost canceled, deleted, my blog. I’ve had it for over five years now. Since May 2015. Over 1,200 posts. I don’t pay for this site, meaning I can’t use plug-ins, one being the “classic editor.” You know what? I’m not paying for it either because I don’t make a dime from my blog. It helps to have a creative outlet, and I’m not throwing money at WordPress. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. WordPress, why don’t you ever do anything that benefits the fine folks who use your site? Is it that hard? If nothing else, as The Beatles once said, “let it be.” This new, forced, block editor bullshit thing makes it harder on the people who only want to create and hope they get a few eyes on those creations. Is it really that difficult to not fuck up a good thing?

Copyright © Drew Martin 2020

8 Comments Add yours

  1. Asha Seth says:

    I so agree, Drew. It is all so messed up and complicated.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. karuchan90 says:

    Ooh! I kinda stopped using wordpress after the community pool left, now I’m just an occasional poster sadly. I want to get back into my blog, but I gotta agree the editor is kinda bad :s I didn’t know the classic editor was up as a plug-in, but you gotta pay for that right? Ain’t that kinda shady? Like, they doing it for the money? It’s like they know damn well what they’re doing lol, adding the classic editor as a plug in, it’s basically saying “if you miss the other editor it’s ok! Here it is for you! Just pay us”.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Liz says:

    I agree.

    I have already set up a new blog elsewhere and only posts to come later on my WP one are ones already scheduled.

    I will only be back on WP to comment on other blogs.

    The new editor is not for writers. There’s no flow to creating a post and it takes longer. I can’t work out how to do some stuff from before. But I am not interested,because its still not useful.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. bleuwater says:

    I agree. I think WordPress did this to charge us $$$ to be able to continue with Classic. editor.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I agree with this so much, I just found out some update lost me around 500 followers which I gained through community pool and now I just feel so cheated after the hard work I put in

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Drew Martin says:

      I’ve got another post about the closing of the Community Pool and the negative effects.


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